It is undeniable that the first day of international school can both be exciting and challenging at the same time for both yourself and your kid. The first day of international school is one of the greatest events in a kid’s academic life.
Whether it’s a physical classroom or an online class (due to the pandemic), we have many tips to share with you to help you prepare your kid for the first day of international school.
1. Let your kid know that international school is full of enjoyment
Tell your kid that the teachers and friends at school are very friendly and fun, you can have fun playing sports or running around with friends in a big playground at the international school. There is also plenty of confectionery that you can grab and enjoy.
You need to make your kid familiar with the atmosphere of the international school including the teachers, friends and the venues prior to the first day of international school.
2. Teach your kid to be respectful
Teaching your child to respect others means treating others with kindness and consideration and not judging or discriminating against them. It also means being responsible for their actions and words. Teaching your child to be respectful will help them develop positive relationships with others, especially, their classmates and teachers, both now and in the future.

3. Train your kid to depend on themselves
This means helping them learn how to do things for themselves, such as dressing themselves, brushing their teeth and having a shower. It also refers to teaching them how to solve and think for themselves because independence is key to success.
4. Invite you kid to shop school items together
Perhaps all it takes to get a child excited for school is a new backpack in their favorite color or a new lunchbox with their favorite cartoon character. By going shopping for school supplies together you can let your child be part of the preparation process and really get them excited. Having favorite and special items that are only for school will help create a positive association that school is a fun and exciting new adventure, which it really is!
5. Make sure your kid is aware of what time you are going to drive them home
Letting your child know about this is crucial particularly during the first days of international school. They will feel more secure knowing that you are there awaiting them after school which is something they would expect.
If you are not there for them when they finish school, they are probably going to feel worried and may cry and may not want to attend the international school next time.
On the whole, preparing your kid for the first day of international school can be a bit of a challenge in the initial period for parents and the kid alike. It will take some time for your kid to feel completely comfortable with their life at the international school.
Some children probably shed tears for one or two days, some might be bad-tempered for a matter of weeks and months, while others are perhaps not irritable whatsoever. This matter relies on a lot of things including your kid’s viewpoint, parenting and their adaptability skills.
The first days of international school will not be frightening as long as you encourage your child to learn to enjoy their time at the international school.