Life Insurance
Medical Insurance
Travel Insurance
Corporate Insurance
Life Insurance
This is the person to whom the death benefit will be paid.
Cash Value
Amount that pays out upon the policyholder’s death, and also accumulates value during the policyholder’s lifetime.
Death Benefit (Face Amount)
This is the amount that will be paid out to a beneficiary when the insured under the policy dies.
The person whose life is insured by life insurance, after whose death the benefits go to others.
Is the termination of an insurance policy because a renewal premium is not paid.
Mode of Premium Payment
The frequency with which premiums are paid. Examples are annually and monthly.
The person or people who own an individual insurance policy. The policy owner is not necessarily the person whose life is insured.
Policy Anniversary
This is the anniversary date on which the policy was issued.
Policy Provisions
The statements of an insurance policy, which describe the operation of an insurance policy.
A payment by a customer to an insurance company for coverage.
The procedure where an underwriter evaluates aspects related to the proposed insured’s current health, medical history, lifestyle habits, hobbies, occupation and financial profile to determine eligibility for coverage as well as what the appropriate risk class should be.
Waiver of Premium
A provision under which payment of premiums or insurance charges are waived should the policy owner becomes totally and permanently disabled.
Medical Insurance
The procedure of inserting and manipulating needles into various points on the body to relieve pain or for therapeutic purposes.
Age Limits
An age range in which an insurance company will only accept new members or renew plans.
Annual Limit
The total maximum sum that the policy will cover in any one year.
Area of cover / coverage area
The geographic area in which the health insurance policy will provide cover.
A term which describes any treatment, service or otherwise help under an international health insurance plan that will restore, maintain, facilitate or encourage good health.
Benefit Period
A benefit period is a duration of time which the insured can be reimbursed for the costs of the benefit incurred.
Broker (Brokerage)
That’s i-Brokers, a company acting as a mediator between the buyer and seller to facilitate the purchase of international health insurance.
Business International Health Insurance
International health insurance that is specifically designed for groups of people such as businesses and organizations.
Cancellation Period
The period of time within which you are entitled to change you mind and request a refund where applicable in the event you decide to cancel or not proceed with your cover.
Refers to the set of medical procedures and treatments that are employed to relieve pain usually to the joints, spine and trunk.
Chronic Condition
A sickness, illness or disease which has one of the following characteristics: is recurrent; is recurrent; does not respond well to treatment; requires protracted care; leads to permanent disability.
A form sometimes required to be submitted when claiming a refund of costs from the insurance company. Can be paper or digital.
Refers to the shared amount of money that you are obligated to pay for covered medical services/treatment. In the table of benefits, you may see something like: “Dental – 20 % Co-Insurance”. This means that you must share the cost of dental treatment costs with the Insurer where you will pay 20% of the bill and the Insurer will pay the remaining 80% subject to you remaining within the benefit limit
Complications of childbirth
This definition differs from Insurer to Insurer however generally this refers to abnormal conditions that arise during childbirth such as postpartum hemorrhage, retained placental membrane and medically necessary caesarean sections.
Complications of pregnancy
This refers to the health of the mother during the pre-natal (preceding) stages of pregnancy such as miscarriage or stillbirth.
Country of Residence
The principle country in which you spend most of your time year living in.
Critical illness
A serious illness or disease categorized by the medical necessity of intensive monitoring and / or life-support treatment.
CT Scan (CAT Scan)
Or computerized axial tomography is a sophisticated x-ray / imaging procedure for showing bone detail primarily.
Death Benefit
A Death Benefit is an amount that shall be paid should the insured person pass away during the period of insurance as a result of sickness, illness or accident
Deductible / Excess
This is the amount of money that you must pay before the insurance company will start paying for medical expenses. Your deductible / excess is subtracted from your reimbursable sum when a claim is made. They can be per sickness/injury, per insurance period or per year and usually applies to each insured member of the policy separately.
Dental prostheses
Amid other things, dental prostheses usually include or excludes cover for crowns, inlays, reconstructions, restorations, bridges, dentures and implants.
Dental surgery
Generally dental surgery refers to extraction of teeth, treatment for jaw deformities and fractures. It does not cover surgical treatment that is related to artificial dental implants or wholly cosmetic.
The immediate family of an insured person.
Diagnostic tests
Refers to tests such as blood tests, x-rays, CT, ultrasound and MRI scans to investigate and determine the cause of patient symptoms.
Effective date
The date on which international health insurance coverage comes into effect / provides insurance cover.
Refers to conditions / situations / events which are not eligible for reimbursement under an international medical insurance policy. These usually include things like war, self-harm, terrorism, HIV/AIDS, cosmetic surgery, injuries arising from dangerous hobbies and usually, pre-existing conditions treated in the past two years.
Full Cover / 100%
Found in the table of benefits, “full cover”, “100%” or something else to that effect means that you can receive full compensation for the associated benefit up until the policy maximum (overall limit) has been reached.
Hazardous Sports Cover
Refers to cover for “dangerous” sporting activities such as but not limited to mountaineering, hang gliding, parachuting, bungee jumping, motor vehicle racing, skiing and snowboarding.
Home Country
Is the country for which the insured person holds a current passport and/or to which the insured person would want to be repatriated.
A form of alternative medicine that attempts to treat patients with heavily diluted preparations which are claimed to cause effects similar to the symptoms presented.
Hospital / Provider Network
A directory / list of medical providers which are recognized by the insurance company and which usually the insurance company has an established relationship with.
Hospital Accommodation
Refers to the type of room that you stay in when receiving treatment in hospital.
In-Patient Cash Benefit
Refers to an international health insurance benefit where monies are paid by the insurance company when treatment and/or accommodation for medical treatment, that would otherwise be covered under the insured’s plan, is provided in a hospital where no charges are billed.
In-Patient Dental Treatment
Refers to emergency dental treatment due to a serious accident that requires you to be admitted to hospital.
In-Patient Treatment
Refers to treatment in a hospital / clinic where an overnight stay is medically necessary.
Infertility Treatment
Refers to reproductive treatment and technology for either sexes used primarily to achieve pregnancy by artificial or partially artificial means. It may also refer to treatment used to investigate procedures necessary to establish the cause for infertility.
Insurance Certificate
A document which details what you as a policyholder are entitled to. It simply proves that a contractual relationship exists between the insured person(s) and the insurance company.
Insurance Company / Insurer / Carrier
A company that sells insurance to cover the cost or sometimes compensate for loss due to ill health or accident.
Insurance Year
The effective date (or the date that your insurance commences) of a policy and ends exactly one year later.
Insured Person(s)
A policy holder and other people such as dependants that are subscribed to a policy.
International Health Insurance
Also known as “Private Medical Insurance”, Expatriate Health Insurance or International Medical Insurance, refers to insurance designed to provide private medical care in the event of sickness, ill health or accident.
A hindrance or obligation to pay money to another party.
Lifetime Maximum / Maximum Benefit / Policy Maximum
The maximum amount that the insurance company will pay out during the entire term of the insurance policy.
Loading (Premium Loading)
The amount that an insurance company adds to the basic premium to cover those that are applying. Sometimes premium loading is applied during the application process if you would like to cover pre-existing conditions.
Local Ambulance
Is ambulance transport that is required in the event of emergency or otherwise deemed medically necessary to transport an insured person(s) to hospital.
Long Term Care
Refers to treatment and care over a long period of time after emergency / acute treatment has been completed. International health insurance plans can offer reimbursement for care at home, in a community, a hospital or nursing home, however, it is important to check restrictions/exclusions.
Managed Care
A broad term used to describe any system that manages healthcare delivery with the aim of controlling costs. In international health insurance this is encouraged by insurance companies through the use of primary care physicians, or by encouraging the use of a specific network of healthcare providers.
Refers to cover for medical costs incurred during pregnancy and childbirth, including hospital charges, specialist fees, mother’s pre- and post-natal care, as well as newborn care.
Medical Aids
Any instrument or device that is designed to help or increase the function of the insured person. Typically, medical aids would include hearing aids, speaking aids, wheelchairs, crutches, braces and artificial limbs. Many Insurers have restrictions/exclusions in respect of these.
Medical Evacuation
Refers to reimbursement to cover transport costs to the nearest suitable medical Centre, when the treatment you need is not available nearby. It may also cover additional expenses such as the cost of a return flight back to the insured’s principle country of residence.
Medical History Disregard (MHD)
Refers to insurance companies waiving pre-existing conditions of one or more insured members. Typically, group schemes of 10 or more people can offer MHD meaning that members suffering from pre-existing conditions can receive treatment and claim medical expenses that arise as a result of their pre-existing condition or associated conditions.
Medical Necessity
Is the determination that a person requires medical treatment and services?
Medical Practitioner
Refers to costs / bills arising from treatment performed or administered by a medical practitioner.
Medical Questionnaire
Asked during the application process, this is a document that applicants use to provide details of their medical history such as pre-existing or chronic condition details. It is used in conjunction with the general application form to determine if an applicant is insurable and at what price or not. Disclosing details of your medical history allows the insurance companies to better assess your case during the application process and can quicken approval.
Medical Repatriation
Refers to a policy benefit that covers costs for transport to your home country to be treated in familiar surroundings. It also sometimes covers costs for the return trip back to your principle country of residence.
Medical Underwriting
The process of determining if you are insurable or not based on your medical history.
Refers to when you are enrolled on / covered under an international health insurance policy.
Midwife Fees
This refers to fees charged to assist women during pregnancy, labor and postpartum period by a midwife (birth assistant).
Moratorium Cover
Moratorium cover refers to after a period of time has elapsed of continuous cover, some pre-existing medical conditions will become eligible for benefit. Pre-existing conditions will be covered after a set period only if you haven\’t consulted with any doctor or specialist for advice or treatment or if you haven\’t suffered any symptoms for that medical condition or any related condition for a continuous period determined by the Insurer.
MRI Scan
Magnetic resonance imaging is primarily used to visualize the internal structure and function of the body. It provides detailed images of the body in any plane. MRI has much greater soft tissue contrast than Computed tomography (CT) making it especially useful in neurological diseases.
Newborn Care
A specific medical maternity benefit associated with examinations and diagnostic test required to determine the health of a newborn child. They are carried out immediately following childbirth. Some plans but not all, also include more comprehensive diagnostic newborn tests such as blood type and hearing. If problems are discovered, then sometimes Insurers may include cover for more complex medically necessary treatment and diagnostic tests.
No Claims Discount
Refers to a discount that you can potentially receive should you renew your policy on condition that you haven’t filed any claims over the insurance year. Not all insurance companies offer a no claims discount.
No Cover
Found in the table of benefits, “no cover” refers to a specific benefit that the insurance company will not provide reimbursement for.
Nursing at home
Refers to treatment and / or care at your home typically for patients that require long term attention or those suffering from chronic conditions.
Occupational Therapy (OT)
Refers to treatment and care linked with the development and/or restoration of fine motor skills, sensory integration, coordination, balance and other day-to-day skills such as dressing, eating, grooming, etc.
Refers to treatment associated with tumors such as diagnostic tests, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and other hospital fees associated with the treatment of cancer.
Open Choice
This means that there is no restriction on the medical facility you can go to. Most international plans will allow you to pick your facility of treatment.
The dental practice and use of devices to restore teeth to proper alignment and function.
Treatment based on the manipulation of bones and muscles.
Out of Area Cover
Refers to treatment and services that are outside your geographical area of cover (Worldwide, Europe, etc.) that are none the less deemed eligible for treatment and reimbursement.
Out-Patient Surgery
A surgical procedure performed in a day-care or out-patient facility that does not require you to stay overnight in hospital.
Out-Patient Treatment
Refers to treatment provided in the practice or surgery of a medical practitioner, therapist or specialist that does not require the patient to be admitted to hospital.
Parental Accommodation
A benefit designed to provide cover for reasonable costs incurred by parents when having to stay in accommodation due to their child being admitted to hospital.
Payment Terms / Payment Frequency
International health insurance premiums can usually be paid for on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual basis. The lower the payment frequency, the lower your premium will be.
Refers to dental treatment related to gum disease.
Policy / Plan
Is a contract between the Insurer and the Insured which determines medical treatment, medical services and associated treatment claims which the insurance company is legally required to pay.
Policy Holder
The person who owns or is subscribed to an international health insurance policy.
Policy Wording
The policy wording is the exact offer from the insurance company to you. It is a document that contains full terms and conditions of the coverage offered, including any applicable exclusions, conditions and limitations to cover. i-Brokers always recommends you read this fully.
Post-natal Care
Refers to medical treatment received by the mother, the child or both after birth.
Is a general term referring to the requirement that the insured must obtain authorization / approval from the insurance company before proceeding with treatment if the treatment is to be deemed eligible for reimbursement.
Pre-existing Conditions
Medical conditions or any related medical conditions for which one or more symptoms have surfaced prior to commencement of cover.
Pre-natal Care
Treatment for women during pregnancy/prior to childbirth such as diagnostic tests.
The amount made payable to the insurance company according to your policy wording. Typically premiums can be made on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual basis. Premiums are determined by the Insurer based on a variety of factors but primarily age, level of cover, geographical area of cover, and country of residence.
Prescription Drugs
Pharmaceutical drugs available only on the prescription of a registered medical practitioner and available only from pharmacies.
Preventative Treatment
Refers to treatment that is accepted without any symptoms being present at the time of treatment in order to promote and encourage good health to thereby prevent ill health.
Primary Care
A wide-ranging term referring to routine care of common health problems and chronic illnesses that can be managed on an out-patient basis.
Cover associated with the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders.
Refers to personal counselling used to treat problems of living such as depression.
Reconstructive Surgery
Surgery used to restore function and tissue form to the body such as plastic surgery.
Refers to treatment aimed to restore normal form and function after a serious illness or injury.
Amount of money that you receive for a claim, expenses, damages or losses as determined by your Insurer.
This refers to where an insurance company policy enters into an arrangement with another insurance company to cover part or all of the benefits that are payable to the policyholder.
Means that an international health insurance policy can be renewed / extended.
Renewal Date
The date on which your international health insurance policy will expire unless extended (renewed).
To return to your home country on a permanent basis.
Repatriation of Mortal Remains
Refers to the transportation of the deceased’s mortal remains from the country of residence to the country of burial.
Routine Health Checks
Refers to tests and screening performed when no medical symptoms of illness are present. They are used as a preventative and early warning mechanism to promote and encourage good health.
Routine Maternity
Refers to medical charges incurred during pregnancy and childbirth such as hospital accommodation, fees associated with normal pregnancy and midwife fees.
An expert doctor / physician that specializes in a particular branch of medical science.
Specialist Fees
Expenses associated with consultations or treatment by a specialist.
Speech Therapy
Refers to treatment that is intended to correct speech disorders.
Student International Health Insurance
Specific international health insurance plans that are designed for and cater to international students.
Surgical Prostheses (Surgical Appliances)
Refers to artificial body parts or devices that are medically necessary following surgery.
Terrorism Benefit
Refers to cover for injuries and illnesses that arise from an act of terrorism.
Refers to any medical procedure or practice with the intention of curing or relieving illness or injury.
The process by which medical insurance providers and insurers assess the risk involved in providing medical insurance cover. Includes premium setting, setting of benefit levels, and writing of policy terms and conditions.
URC (Usual, Reasonable and Customary)
This refers to the standard or most common charge for a particular medical service when rendered.
Refers to immunizations and booster injections in addition to the cost of consultation for administering the vaccine.
Waiting Period
A period of time during which you are not entitled to cover for particular benefits.
Travel Insurance
A sudden event that happens by chance and which could not be anticipated; or unavoidable exposure to severe weather conditions
Adverse Weather
Adverse weather Severe weather environments, like fog, a hailstorm or severe rainstorm, a blizzard, or an ice storm.
Annual Premium
The amount paid by the policy holder on an annual basis to cover the cost of the insurance policy.
Area of Travel
The travel restrictions of your policy, such as European or worldwide.
Personal belongings you take on your trip including the suitcases/bags you use to carry them. (excluding valuables, ski equipment, golf equipment gadgets, personal money and documents of any kind).
Business Equipment
Items used by you in support of your business activities.
Business Trip
A trip taken wholly in part for business purposes.
Natural catastrophe such as a fire, flood, storm or earthquake.
Single loss or a series of losses due to one cause covered by this policy.
The first amount stated in the policy schedule of any claim which each person insured must pay.
Any risks or types of loss or damage which the insurer will not pay out for. These exclusions will be plainly set out in your policy terms and conditions.
Extra Cover Options
Additional policy benefits which can be purchased to increase the cover provided by your policy.
Golf Equipment
Golf clubs, golf balls, golf bag, golf trolley and golf shoes.
Sickness, infirmity or disease.
Damage done or harm to or suffered by a person.
A company that insures something or someone against loss or damage.
A trip that takes place during the period of insurance.
Level of Cover
The amount covered under each section of the policy.
Medical Condition
Any disease, illness or injury.
Coins, banknotes, traveler’s cheques, postal or money orders, travel tickets, pre-paid vouchers, non-refundable pre-paid entry tickets and debit, credit, payment, pre-payment and/or charge cards.
A violent, threatening attack by a third party causing actual bodily harm.
Period of Insurance
The period of time covered by the policy as displayed in the policy schedule.
Personal Liability
Covers sums which you are legally liable to pay as damages to third parties in respect of accidental bodily injury to any person or accidental loss of or damage to material property.
Personal Money
Bank notes, currency notes and coins in current use, travelers’ and other cheques, postal or money orders, pre-paid coupons or vouchers, travel tickets, event and entertainment tickets, phone cards, money cards and credit/debit or pre-pay charge cards all held for private purposes.
Person(s) Insured
You, and your partner and children if they are shown as insured on the policy schedule.
Policy Document
Document which outlines what is and is not covered and conditions of cover.
The amount you pay for the insurance.
Quote / Quotation
The premium and terms offered by a potential insurance company to provide the cover you request.
The document which identifies the person(s) insured and sets out details of the cover the policy provides.
Single Item
Any one article.
Travel Documents
Policyholders travel documents such as passport and visas.
Items such as photographic equipment, jewelry, mobile phones, computers (including tablets, PDAs, notebooks, laptops and computer games), audio and video equipment (including MP3 and MP4 players) etc.
Winter Sports
Sporting activities which take place largely during winter such as skiing, snowboarding and tobogganing.
Corporate Insurance
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