how much life insurance do I need

How much life insurance do I need?

Life is full of surprises, some good and some not so good. That’s why having life insurance is like having a safety net for your family if anything unexpected happens to you. This guide is here to help you figure out how much life Insurance you really need, including:

  • Figure out How much life insurance do I need: We’ll help you get the numbers right.
  • Learn about Calculating life insurance needs: No complex math, just simple steps to follow.
  • Life insurance policy comparison: Not all policies are created equal. Find out which one suits you best via our life insurance comparison tool.
  • Understand Life insurance in Asia: It’s not just about buying a policy; it’s about ensuring your family’s future is secure.
  • Financial planning and life insurance: See how life insurance fits into your bigger financial picture.
  • Dive into Term life insurance in Asia: Know the pros and cons of each to make a wise choice.

Finally! You have decided you should purchase a life insurance policy, but now you have one all-too-common question: 

How much life insurance do I really need? 

There’s no single answer to that question, but there are ways to make it easier to select a policy that fits your current and future needs which we will outline below. 

How to calculate how much life insurance you need 

For a quick answer: Multiply your income by 7 times 

This really depends on what stage of life you’re at and how many dependents you have. Younger people with greater financial commitments require more coverage than older people.  

Certainly, if you have dependents and are the sole breadwinner in your family, it’s a good idea to take at least 5 times your gross annual income in life insurance coverage.  

Many experts recommend even more – it’s not uncommon to suggest 7 or 10 times your income if you have several children and a large mortgage.  

Remember, the incremental cost of purchasing extra coverage is not that great, so it’s worth buying more coverage to ensure your family will be taken care of no matter what. 

For the budget conscious: Use the 1% income rule 

The 1% rule is simple: Choose a coverage amount that will get you premiums totaling about 1% of your annual income. 

It’s important to make sure that the policy you are purchasing is one that you can afford even on your worst day, month, or year. One percent is an amount most people can fit into their current budget without making other sacrifices. If affordability is your top priority, the 1% rule may be the right estimation method for you. 

life insurance

Understanding Life Insurance in Asia

Life insurance acts as a safeguard, ensuring that your family’s future remains bright even in your absence. It’s a crucial component of financial planning, especially in Asia where family often comes first. Here’s a straightforward look at what you need to know.

Life insurance is essentially a contract. You agree to pay a premium to an insurance company, and in return, they commit to providing a financial safety net to your loved ones after you’re gone. This arrangement ensures that your family can manage their living expenses, debts, and future education costs without your income.

In Asia, the concept of life insurance is deeply intertwined with the values of family protection and financial security. It’s not just about the money; it’s about peace of mind and ensuring that your responsibilities towards your loved ones are fulfilled, even in your absence.

There are mainly two types of life insurance to consider:

  1. Term Life Insurance, which offers coverage for a specific period, and
  2. Whole Life Insurance, which covers you for your entire life and includes a savings element that grows over time.

Choosing between them depends on your personal and financial circumstances. Term life is often preferred for its affordability and straightforward coverage, while whole life is valued for its lifelong coverage and potential to build cash value. Understanding these basics is the first step towards making an informed decision about life insurance in Asia. With this knowledge, you can start to consider how much coverage you need and what type of policy best suits your needs, ensuring your family’s welfare is secured.

We have also created specific guides for Life Insurance in select Asian countries, including:

Life Insurance and Financial Planning

In Asia, financial planning often reflects a strong emphasis on family security and stability. Life insurance plays a critical role in this planning process, providing a foundation upon which a family’s financial security can be built and maintained.

The Role of Life Insurance in Financial Planning:
  • Debt Protection: Life insurance ensures that any outstanding debts, including mortgages or personal loans, are not passed on to your family, safeguarding their financial stability.
  • Income Replacement: It acts as a financial safety net, replacing your income in the event of your untimely passing, thus ensuring that your family’s daily needs and lifestyle are not compromised.
  • Education Planning: With education being a top priority for many Asian families, life insurance can secure the necessary funds for your children’s education, ensuring that their future is not jeopardized.
  • Retirement Security: For older adults, certain life insurance policies can provide a source of retirement income, supplementing pension benefits or savings.


Overall, figuring out how much coverage you need is an important decision, but all the options and numbers can get overwhelming.  

Insurance consultants at i-Brokers can answer any questions you have about how to make a life insurance coverage estimate based on your finances.  

We can walk you through different scenarios and options that make life insurance part of your long-term financial plan and ensure that you’re protecting what’s most important to you. 

Want to learn more? Reach out to us at [email protected]