Healthcare International

Healthcare International Health offer a level of support that few international medical insurance providers can match. They combine a reputation for providing a caring, responsive approach to customer care with excellent premiums to match.


Healthcare International Health have been providing international medical insurance for expatriates and international travellers alike for over 15 years. They give cover across the world and hold a suite of high quality medical insurance products that brings together high levels of benefits and service. Healthcare International Health’s wide choice of global health insurance plans are designed to be flexible, allowing you to choose the best cover for you. The ability to make a policy bespoke to your needs and budget is a fantastic proposition that Healthcare International Health offers.

Each Healthcare International member has the ability to deal with their own claims specialist straightaway. These people are medical insurance experts and will hold your hand through the entire claims process. This is provided through their specialist claims handler Helix. It is this interaction which has given Healthcare International a reputation for being an industry leader in servicing.

Healthcare International Health helps to make the whole process of getting the very best medical treatment simple, no matter where in the world you may be living or working. An online claims service providing 24/7 claims support and pre-authorization, access to Healthcare International World, their dedicated online global library of carefully selected doctors and medical facilities across more than 175 countries worldwide mean you will take comfort in choosing Healthcare International as your insurance provider.

i-Brokers are proud to be working with such an exceptional global health insurance provider, and can offer the full range of Healthcare International Health’s international medical insurance coverage options.

Free Healthcare International Health Insurance Quotes.

If you would like to receive a free quote for this or any of the medical insurance plans, complete the easy form at the top of this page. One of our health insurance specialists will be happy to assist you.

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