How to keep from getting sick when your family is sick

How to Keep from Getting Sick when Your Family is Sick

How to Keep from Getting Sick when Your Family is Sick 

The incident where one or more members in your family becomes ill and the ailment is contagious is typical. Although it is true that it is not feasible all the time to stay healthy when someone in your family gets sick, here we have put together some practical tips on what you can do to stay healthy when someone in your house is sick.  

1. No face touching  

Touching your face with your own hands makes it easy for germs to move from your hands through your eyes, nose or mouth. 

2. Sleep separately  

If your partner or spouse is ill, it is perhaps best for you to sleep in separate rooms. If this is not possible, then at least do try to sleep by facing in opposite directions. Also remember to wash your sheets on a regular basis in hot water. Alternatively, wear a face mask while you are sleeping. 

How to Keep from Getting Sick when Your Family is Sick

3. No kissing and hugging your sick family members 

Kissing and hugging makes it easy for colds and many other respiratory infections to spread to other people. Germs typically reside in and are spread through your saliva and nasal secretions. The activity of kissing and hugging or any other kinds of close contact with those who are ill will get you in contact with those germs. 

4. Clean everything that your ill family members have been using 

Everything here includes toys that your ill kids have been playing with, eating utensils, hand towel, toothbrushes, remote control. Thorough cleaning of each and every aforementioned item with hot water is very important.   

5. Have nutritious food and stay hydrated 

Doing so will keep you healthy and keep you immune to germs that will lead you to various illnesses which are either directly from the air itself or other sick family members. 

Perhaps trying your best at preventing all these illnesses from spreading through your family members might not sometimes work. Once any family member has cough and cold symptoms that last longer than ten days, it is perhaps best to check with a doctor to ensure the cold has not transformed into something more severe. As for the flu, feel free to talk to your physician about medicinal drugs that can end the illnesses faster.